
November 20, 2012

Sweet Potato Invasion

Could not help but to brag... Here they are...

The best thing about these sweet potatoes is that I did not plant them. They grew from the remnants of the last year's harvest. I always leave the smallest roots in the ground when I harvest sweet potatoes, and the ones that survive frost start vining and fruiting once again. Another good thing about this amazing vegetable is that it breaks down hard soils. Sweet potatoes are relatively easy to care for, just water when they are young and make sure the soil has at least some nutrients in it. That's about it. 

Now, part of my Thanksgiving dinner is covered, for free. :)


  1. I want to try your method of sweet potatoes shoots.
    I've done a search on strawberries and could not find anything. Have you tried strawberries? If so, what are your results?
    I've also noticed that you have solar panels in your garden. what do you use solar for? Did you do these yourself? If so, do you have plans or designs?

  2. Sorry, I have not tried strawberries yet, and I don't have solar panels. That might've been something else in the pictures.

    Although I have grand plans to start a small aquaponics, but that is still in the wishful stage for now.

  3. You're going to laugh, but I've had more luck growing potatoes (both sweet and white) in the "fabric" grocery bags (for Winn-Dixie, buy 4 bottles of wine and get 10% off with the bag) than in the ground. I just plant 2-3 potatoes with buds (white in early November/sweet in early March) in each bag, and then six months later I pour out my bag and voila! potatoes. No fuss, no disease, no bugs, unlike when I try to put them in the actual ground in my back yard, when they are under attack. Sigh.
