
March 2, 2012

What can we plant in March in Florida?

Warm weather is here, and Florida gardeners are preparing for the summer harvest. All main warm weather vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant) should be transplanted now.

Pepper Transplant

Unfortunately, it is too late to start tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant from seed. It usually takes about six weeks from seed to transplant size, and that will bring us to mid-April for transplanting; this is too late because May heat will be too brutal on the young plants. Big box stores carry transplants, these will do the job of providing summer vegetables. Mark your calendar to start the seeds in early August for the second Florida season of warm vegetables.

Tomato Transplant

Some vegetables can be still started from seed, these include cucumbers, squash, zucchini, corn, and beans.

Cucumber two weeks old from seed

Seed these directly into the garden and keep the soil moist all the way until the seedlings get established. Shade off young seedlings of cucumbers, they do not like direct afternoon sun or being dry at the roots.

My addiction to seeds brought upon a strange challenge. I was seeding a lot of vegetables and did not mark some of them. These seedlings came up and looked like a cucumber plant. But now I am at odds. It is quite a strange looking plant, so if anyone can identify it, please let me know in a comment. Otherwise, the mystery plant will have to produce the fruit to uncover its nature and purpose.

Mystery plant - identified! Milk Thistle

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  1. Your transplants are looking good. I just transplanted some cucumbers and direct seeded some butternut squash.

    I had to deploy the shade cloth over my pak choi bed. Also planted some more bush beans and transplanted some broccoli I started from seed. I've got a feeling I will be using a lot of shade cloth this year.

    My seed potatoes arrived today and I plan on planting them in a day or two. They are Colorado Rose red potatoes. This will be my first attempt at them

  2. Great progress, Tim. You are spot on with the shade cloth, I am thinking about the same thing. Re: potatoes - I routinely grow potatoes that sprout in my pantry. Not many, as I don't have the room for them. Potatoes so far have been easy producers for me.

  3. Mystery plant is most likely milk thistle. Found this picture on the internet:

  4. So the mystery plant came up from one of your seed packs? Wouldn't surprise me as last year one of my cabbage seedlings ended up being a Red Russian Kale. I knew something was different when that seedling was red colored and everything else was green.
