
January 28, 2012

Last of sweet potato harvest

I have to admit, I slacked off. Sweet potatoes were supposed to be harvested in October, or at least before the frost. But I covered them well with mulch and they survived the one and only frost we had so far. Yesterday I decided it was time to prepare the bed for new plantings, so I dug all of them out. That was over fifteen pounds (I weighted them) of fresh organic sweet potatoes:

Now, that's not the whole harvest, I took quite a bit of potatoes out of the ground prior to that. What's amazing, this abundance came from mere six or so slips grown from store-bought sweet potatoes. The bad thing, if you look at it this way, once you have them, you will always have them - sweet potatoes, peanuts, and horseradish. Beware if you plant. I already have sweet potato leaves breaking from the ground where least expected.

I am going to start the new slips shortly to be planted in April or so and harvested again in October.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your sweet potatoes turned out great! Mine didn't do very good this year. Some how all my beds got massively infested with masked chafer beetle grubs.

    First time that has ever happened in all the years I have had a veggie garden in my yard. They really chewed on my sweet potatoes bad. I even pulled up one that had been hollowed out and had a grub living inside it. This spring I'm going to spray beneficial nematodes over all my beds.

    I think the eggs for the grubs must have been in a bunch of compost I bought and used.
